Learn to Ski
Learn the ropes of downhill skiing with the Edmonton Ski Club
In partnership with Winter City Edmonton and the Edmonton Ski Club, Qi Learn to Ski provides a one-of-a-kind ski immersion program for children and families of all abilities. The adventure includes personalized coaching from certified ski or snowboard instructors, Qi coaches and volunteers.
Weekly sessions will build on an individual’s skills, which may include: walking in boots and with boots in skis, putting on and removing skis, snowplow braking and snowplow turns, parallel braking and parallel turns, shifting from braking to parallel skiing, using poles, landing safely, how to get back up from falls, and how to get on and off a T-Bar or a rope when going uphill.
Winter 2023
Session 1
Thursday evenings, 6:00-7:00 PM
January 12, 19, 26, February 2
Edmonton Ski Club (9613 96 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB)
Session 2
Thursday evenings, 6:00-7:00 PM
February 9, 16, March 2, 9
Edmonton Ski Club (9613 96 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB)
$280 Per Session (Rentals and Lift Tickets Included)
Max of 8 Participants per Session
Upon acceptance to a ski Session, please fill out the following waivers for the Edmonton Ski Club:
All participants, Families, Instructors, Coaches, and Volunteers must complete a Health Screen Questionnaire before participating in the activity.
All participants and instructors/volunteers must wear a face covering or mask at all times during the lesson, unless exempt*. A face covering can be a neck tube or scarf that covers the nose and mouth, and will stay over the nose and mouth during activity. If a participant is unable to wear a mask, please contact Qi Creative. *Those who are exempt from wearing a face covering or mask - Under age 2; Unable to place, use, or remove a face covering without assistance; With mental or physical concerns or limitations, or any other protected ground under the Alberta Human Rights Act, that prevent them from wearing a face covering; Eating or drinking while seated in designated spaces; Engaging in water activities or physical exercise; Providing assistance or care to someone with a disability who would be hindered if the caregiver is wearing a face covering.
All participants and instructors/coaches/volunteers are encouraged to wash/sanitize their hands prior to the lesson, before touching their face, after touching their face, or when hands may be dirty (wiping nose, going to wash room, etc).
Participants will be encouraged to practice physical distancing (2 meters) when possible and activities that promote close contact (such as high fives, hand shakes, etc) will be avoided when possible.
Family members or caregivers are able to support participants during the lesson if needed. They will be required to wear a face covering or mask when physical distancing with other participants or instructors/coaches/volunteers is not possible.
Spectators are encouraged to wear masks or face covering, practice physical distancing, and avoid cheering, screaming, and yelling (creates droplets and increases risk of spreading COVID-19).
If any participant or instructor/coach/volunteer develops any symptoms of COVID-19 during the lesson, they are required to immediately notify Qi Creative Coach or Edmonton Ski Club staff, put on a face covering/mask, maintain 2 meter distance, and leave the facility to begin isolation at their residence.
All participants and instructors/coaches are required to share their contact information to assist with Contact Tracing if needed.
See Edmonton Ski Club, AHS and City of Edmonton for more information about COVID-19 Safety requirements and recommendations.
“A pair of skis are the ultimate transportation to freedom.”
If you are considering volunteering, please read the program requirements below to see if this program is the right fit for you:
You must complete a Volunteer Application form (including up to date resume, two references, a Criminal Record Check for the Vulnerable Population and a signed Volunteer Code of Conduct)
Your volunteer application with us is successful
You are able to commit to the duration of the program
You are able to commit up to 30 minutes additional time before and after the program to receive direction from the lead Coach, set up/take down equipment, and debrief
Rentals are free for volunteers, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own skiing equipment if they have it or prefer it
You have read, and are aware, of additional guidelines expected of all volunteers among all our programs in the Volunteer Handbook